Vista AF Corse attesa alla sfida della 24 ore di Le Mans [ITA/ENG]

In Automobilismo, News, WEC

Vista AF Corse attesa alla sfida della 24 ore di Le Mans

Dopo un inizio di campionato promettente nel FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC), il team Vista AF Corse è pronto ad affrontare la tappa più prestigiosa della stagione, la 24 ore di Le Mans.

La leggendaria corsa, che dal 1923 viene disputata sul mitico Circuit de La Sarthe, un tracciato semi-permanente che sfrutta le strade provinciali alle porte di Le Mans, è conosciuta come il banco di prova definitivo per auto, squadre e piloti.

Ad affrontare la sfida della 24 ore di Le Mans difendendo i colori di Vista AF Corse saranno, come di consueto, due Ferrari 296 LMGT3. Sulla vettura numero 54 si alterneranno al volante Thomas Flohr, Francesco Castellacci e il pilota ufficiale Ferrari Davide Rigon, mentre sulla 296 LMGT3 ci saranno François Heriau, Simon Mann ed il pilota ufficiale del Cavallino Rampante Alessio Rovera.

La preparazione alla 24 ore è iniziata con una giornata di test domenica 9 giugno, che ha permesso a squadre e piloti di prendere le misure con il Circuit de La Sarthe. Dopo due giorni di pausa, l’azione riprenderà mercoledì 12, con i primi due turni di prove libere e la qualifica. Giovedì 13 sarà la volta di altre due sessioni libere, inframezzate dalla Hyperpole, che determinerà le prime posizioni della griglia di partenza di ciascuna categoria. Infine, sabato 15 alle ore 16:00 prenderà il via la 92esima edizione della 24 ore di Le Mans.

After a promising start to the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC), the Vista AF Corse team is ready to tackle the most prestigious race of the season – the 24 Hours of Le Mans – a sporting spectacle that sees man and machine pit against the rigours of day and night racing.

This legendary event, which has been contested since 1923 on the iconic Circuit de La Sarthe, a semi-permanent eight-mile track that runs on the provincial roads on the outskirts of Le Mans, is universally regarded as the ultimate test for cars, teams and drivers.

Facing the challenge of the 24 Hours of Le Mans defending the colors of Vista AF Corse will be, as usual, two Ferrari 296 LMGT3s. In the number 54 car, Thomas Flohr, Francesco Castellacci and official Ferrari driver Davide Rigon will take turns at the wheel, while in the 296 LMGT3 there will be François Heriau, Simon Mann and the official Prancing Horse driver Alessio Rovera.

Preparation for the 24-hour race began with a day of testing on Sunday, June

9, which allowed teams and drivers to take measures with the Circuit de La Sarthe. After a two-day break, the action will resume on Wednesday 12, with the first two free practice sessions and qualifying. Thursday 13 will be the turn of two more practice sessions, separated by the Hyperpole, which will determine the top grid positions in each category. Finally, on Saturday 15 at 4 p.m. the 92nd edition of the 24 Hours of Le Mans will commence.

About Vista

Vista Global Holding’s (Vista) subsidiaries provide worldwide business flight services. A global group headquartered at the DIFC in Dubai, Vista integrates a unique portfolio of companies offering asset free services to cover all key aspects of business aviation: guaranteed and on demand global flight coverage; subscription and membership solutions; trading and management services; and cutting-edge mobility technology. The Group’s mission is to lead the change to provide clients with the most advanced flying services at the very best value, anytime, anywhere around the world. Vista’s knowledge and understanding of all facets of the industry deliver the best end-to-end offering and technology to all business aviation clients, through its VistaJet and XO branded services and duly licensed carriers. Vista is not a direct air carrier and does not operate or charter flights. More Vista information and news at

About AF Corse

The AF Corse team has a winning record on track. In 2023 the Italian outfit was Team Partner of Ferrari-AF Corse in the Ferrari 499P Hypercar successful debut at the 24 Hours of Le Mans and raising the winner’s trophy of the LMGTE Pro Category in the same race in 2012, 2014, 2019 and 2021. The team further cemented its standing as FIA WEC LMGTE categories champion during eight of the last 11 years.

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