Pecom Racing celebra la prima gara del FIA WEC 2013 con un podio / Pecom Racing celebrated the first race of the 2013 FIA WEC with a podium

ti hanno permesso al team di guadagnare la terza posizione al termine dell’endurance.

I piloti di Pecom Racing, tuttavia, non sono saliti fisicamente sul podio: sotto la bandiera a scacchi, hanno tagliato il traguardo in quarta posizione. Nelle ore successive la gara, però, la direzione ha deciso di penaliz-zare la vettura che precedeva in graduatoria, togliendole un giro percorso per un’irregolarità riscontrata du-rante la corsa. Un decisione che ha permesso all’equipaggio Pecom Racing di sopravanzare e guadagnare punti preziosi.


SILVERSTONE, April 15th – Pecom Racing team on podium in the “Six Hours of Silverstone” (LMP2 catego-ry), round one of the 2013 FIA World Endurance Championship. The drivers of the Argentinian team – Louis Perez Companc, Pierre Kaffer and Nicolas Minassian – were third in the endurance race of Sunday, April 14th. The Pecom Racing Oreca 03 powered by Nissan (with Michelin tyres ) started from the P7 on the grid; following, the race of the Pecom Racing drivers was troubled by a collision with another LMP2 prototype which crashed into its front-right wing. Thanks to extremely quick repairs in the pits, clever strategy at the wall and very fast stints of each of the three drivers, the team enabled to collect a top-three result.

The drivers of Pecom Racing, however, did not celebrate the podium soon after the end of the “6 Hours of

Silverstone”: they took the chequered flag in fourth position. Just a few hours later, the organisation of the world championship has decided to penalize the squad that preceded in the standing (removing 1 laps) for an irregularity observed during the race. This fact permitted the third place for Pecom Racing and important points gained.

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